Anand (Left) with his Jyotish Guru Shri Marc Boney (Right) at the Swami's Garden - Encinitas, California

Anand (Left) with his Jyotish Guru Shri Marc Boney (Right) at the Swami's Garden - Encinitas, California

How do I analyze chartS

I follow a ‘composite’ technique of chart analysis which involves evaluating at least the following

a.       The static potential in the chart

b.       The strength of planets, signs, house and ‘yogas’ (planetary combinations)

c.       Evaluation of time periods through at least 3 ‘dasha’ systems. I utilize both ‘nakshatra’ dashas like Vimshottari, Yogini etc. and ‘Rashi’ dashas like Chara, Pada Navamsha etc.

d.       Conditional dasha systems if applicable – Some charts have characteristics that qualify them for usage of conditional ‘nakshatra’ dashas like Dwisaptati Sama Dasha (used when first lord goes to 7th house or 7th lord goes to 1st house) or conditional ‘rashi’ dashas like Mandook Dasha (4 planets in angle houseS excluding the nodes of the moon)

e.       Planetary transits with special importance to the transits of Saturn and Jupiter combined with the mathematical ‘Ashtakavarga’ system to evaluate the strength of the  transit results.

f.        A synthesis of all of the above points to arrive at a final prediction


The use of the ‘composite’ technique was established by my Guru’s Guru Shri K.N. Rao. My Jyotish Guru Shri Marc Boney (disciple of Shri Rao) trained me in the use of the ‘composite’ technique.